

Architecture can be defined as any form of construction or alteration of the landscape carried out by man. Our architectural heritage is an essential part of our identity. ´Resistance architecture´ is a term that refers to a form of spontaneous construction where the structural logic is intertwined with cultural heritage. It is a free, unrestricted architecture that contains in and of itself a form of resistance to economic, social or political constraints. It also refers to traditional or vernacular buildings that remain standing despite have been neglected or even reviled.

The investigation, location and record of this type of construction allows us to understand other ways of building, far from the big architectures and urban planning where what shines is the means and intent of the creator. These buildings have their own aesthetic identity that impels us to look at them, understand them, and assimilate them, breaking the increasingly more uniform and idealized vision of architecture. The present work looks at and displays these architectural forms to extract from them an aesthetic vision based on a popular architectural reality that is hardly addressed.